Blog Reflection Quarter 4

Over this past year, I think I have evolved as a blogger. Fourth quarter, I have blogged about topics that relate to our class discussions and about my junior theme experience. Blogging has become not an assignment (as it started off as first quarter), but a way for me to think critically and reflect on our society and discussions we have in class, and stay updated on current events. I definitely feel more comfortable blogging now as opposed to first quarter.
My favorite blog post this quarter is "Facebook...for first graders" (5/21). Although I did not have as many blogs fourth quarter as previous quarters, I really liked this blog both because it pertains to the discussions we've had in class on the media and technological changes in our society, and because I actually felt very strongly about the topic. I think the idea of social networking for young children is very relevant and a little scary.
Overall, I have really enjoyed learning how to blog and become comfortable blogging :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jt update

So far I think the hardest part about junior theme has been coming up with a direction/focus of my paper and my thesis idea. I have been finding lots of articles and at first I was a little overwhelemed about all the information I had and how to narrow it and make connections with all of it. I have found lots of articles about the history of eugenics in the US, but I am still looking for more articles about genetic engineering in our society today. I am also reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which is very pertinent to my topic. It is fairly disturbing but really good!
The question my paper is centered on is why are we trying to engineer the composition of American society? And my tentative answer to that question is: While historically the American goverment has tried to shape the characteristics of society in order to maintain a certain image of America, today engineering (need a different word there) is occuring on an individual basis because we strive for perfection. I know that this is a little wordy right now and there are some words I need to change to make it a little clearer. I want my paper to reflect the fact that, in the past, the government set in place certain laws and restrictions because they were trying to control how are country looked - they wanted it to be "white", "intelligent", and "American". The laws were all set in place for the improvement of society as a whole. Now however, most people would agree that using eugenics to shape society such as allowing all humans to design their children, would not be a good idea for society and could possibly reflect a distopia (like in Brave New World). Yet, on an individual basis, parents are competitive. And they want what's best for their child. They strive to create the best baby they can, and if technologies could make their baby prettier, smarter, more athletic... why wouldn't they?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Junior Theme

After much switching around, I finally found a topic that I am interested in researching and writing about. I started off thinking that I was going to do my junior theme on alternative medicine and how it has increasingly become a part of healthcare in the US. However, there were some complications with that topic so I moved on to healthcare and the new reform. After thinking about it and beginning to do some research, I decided that topic was not interesting enough for me, but now I have my final topic/idea. I am going to focus on the image we have in American of the "perfect" or "ideal" American family and how new science technologies -- like choosing genes and designing babies -- is changing the way we view the American family. I do not have a why question yet, though. However, I really find the topics of eugenics and designer babies extremely interesting!